Below, you can download the full Delta Framework package – indicators set and guidance documents – as well as background information on the Delta Project.
Delta Framework
1. Delta Framework Sustainability Indicators This document presents the set of 15 indicators, the rationale for their selection, definitions, methodological notes, and main references for each indicator. It also includes the learnings from pilot testing the indicators in different countries and settings.
zip2. Delta Framework – Annex 2 Indicator Matrix and Questionnaire for Delta Project Pilots This is a set of two Excel documents – an Indicator Matrix outlining the Delta Indicators and a Questionnaire developed for piloting the Delta Indicators.
2.1 Delta Framework – Annex 2.1 Indicator Matrix This Excel document outlines all the Delta indicators, with their respective data points and data collection templates, as well as some reporting examples.
2.2 Delta Framework – Annex 2.2 Questionnaire for the Delta Indicator Pilots This Excel document is a questionnaire developed for the pilots conducted to test the Delta Indicators, it aimed to collect data points for most of the Delta Indicators as it was meant to collect only those data points that were not already collected by the piloting organisation through the existing M&E system.
3. Delta Framework – Annex 3. HHPs List This reference document presents a non-exhaustive list of all the HHPs used in coffee and cotton production globally. It has been compiled based on the information available with the Delta Project Team at the time of the finalization of the framework (June 2022).
4. Delta Framework – Annex 4. Guidance for Irrigation Efficiency and Water Productivity Indicators This document is an additional guidance to collect data points for sub-indicators #3b Irrigation Efficiency and #3c Water Productivity.
zip5. Delta Framework – Annex 5. Detailed Methodology & Tools for Women’s Empowerment Indicator This set of 6 documents are Guidance and tools for the Women’s Empowerment indicator, for smallholder and large farm contexts.
5.1 Delta Framework – Annex 5.1. Developing the indicator This document provides an overview of the methodology and process followed to create a composite indicator on Women’s Empowerment, in particular for smallholder context.
5.2 Delta Framework – Annex 5.2. Integrating Participants From Large Farms This document provides an adaptation of the Women’s Empowerment composite indicator for the large farm context.
5.3 Delta Framework – Annex 5.3. Data Collection Guidance For Enumerators This guidance note pertains to the questions on Women’s Empowerment for the smallholder context
5.4 Delta Framework – Annex 5.4. Enumerators Training Material This is a short document developed by CARE International to introduce enumerators to the role of gender in the agriculture sector, women’s empowerment, and good data collection practices
5.6 Delta Framework – Annex 5.6 Questionnaire & Data Compilation Format This Excel document is a questionnaire developed by CARE international for the calculation of the Women’s Empowerment indicator for Smallholder and Large farms. The document comprises of a data compilation format for the survey responses and gives guidance on data aggregation and inadequacy cut-off for scoring the responses per sub-indicator.
6. Delta Framework – Annex 6. Delta Framework Consultations Report This document presents the details and outcomes of the consultative events carried out in the development of the Delta Framework.
7. Delta Framework – Annex 7. Delta Framework Pilots Report This document summarizes the consolidated learnings from the different pilots of the Delta indicators.
8. Delta Framework Initial Desktop Research This document outlines the desktop research conducted at the start of the project and explains the process how the Delta Framework was developed.
Guidance Materials
1. Integrating New Performance Indicators Into Sustainability Systems: Practical Considerations This document includes considerations and a set of guiding questions designed to support the inclusion of the indicators in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) systems of Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and other organisations.
2. Basic Guidance for Obtaining Informed Consent for the Delta Indicators Data Collection This document guides the incorporation of informed consent for the Delta Framework indicators data collection into existing organisational data strategy and policies.
3. Description of a Common Data Model for the Delta Framework Indicators This document supports the implementation of common data models to facilitate future data aggregation and collective reporting
4. Principles to Define and Communicate Sustainability Performance in the Agricultural Commodity Sector This document directs public and private sector stakeholders on deriving sustainability information and messages from the data collected on agricultural commodities production.
zip5. Guidance and Tool to Aggregate Producer-Level Sustainability Data and Report Progress at National Level This methodology aims to support national commodity associations and other relevant public bodies to aggregate producer-level data using the Delta indicators to assess and report on the sustainability performance of the commodity’s production at country level.
5.3 Guidance to Report Sustainability Progress at National Level for an Agricultural Commodity
Communications Materials
1. Delta Framework Sustainability Indicators – Visual Overview of the 15 Delta indicators on a 1-page graph.
2. Delta Framework Sustainability Indicators – Presentation Presentation introducing each of the Delta indicators with their rationale & their link to SDGs, as well as their respective data points, data sources, reporting example and target.
3. Delta Framework Indicator Set – Short version Summarized version of the Delta Framework core document.
4. Delta Project Overview Short presentation outlining the project background, objectives, and activities.
5. Delta Project Presentation – ICAC Plenary – 12/2019 Presentation of the Delta Project for the ICAC plenary in December 2019.
Event Materials
The Delta Framework was presented in several events over the last years, you can retrieve here the recordings and slide decks of some of these presentations.

2022 Better Cotton Conference
The Delta Project and Framework had a dedicated session at the 2022 Better Cotton Conference. The session took place on Day 1 of the conference – Wednesday 22 June, with the following focus: Creating a shared approach to measuring and communicating sustainability progress – the Delta Framework. Click here to watch the recording of the session.

2021 Textile Exchange Conference
A Delta Framework update was presented during the “Sustainable Cotton Round Table Summit – Part 2” at the 2021 Textile Exchange Conference. Industry trailblazers and peers met for Textile Exchange’s annual global conference, in collaboration for the first time with the Sustainable Apparel Coalition. Find out more.